Brennball Karl
Brennball in Würzburg
Brennball - Baseball for anarchists
Playing brennball
Rules for Brennball
International Brennballtournament in Würzburg
Würzburg's brennball-teams at the world championship

We have been playing brennball in Würzburg since 1994. Most of the players are students or young adults. The training sessions are open for everyone.

The great event during the "brennball-year" in Würzburg is the International brennball- Tournament. On this homepage you can get all the necessary information.

Every year on the last weekend in May the world championship in brennball takes place in Umeå (twintown of Würzburg). Teams from Würzburg have repeatedly taken part in this championship.

Brennball- homepage in English Brännbolls hemsida på svenska
Brennball homepage en español
Brennball- Homepage auf Deutsch

Schülerladen- Schülertreffpunkt e.V.

Contact and responsible: Ulrich Kraus. Translation by Christian Lekebusch and Ulrich Kraus.
